
Video game map designer
Video game map designer

video game map designer

obstacles) or a swamp where movement of the character could be slowed down. This allows for different tile-types like walls or lakes (i.e.

  • Having a data-file that describes your map also allows you to add terrain-information easily.
  • Since you'll have your map divided into really small chunks (depending on your tile-size), you can easily add/remove rows/columns while the character is moving through the world.
  • You just have to load a tile-sheet and data-file with indexes to build a potentially endless map. Personally, I'd build the map using a designated tile-editor like TileEd.


    Any links, resources or tutorials on the subject would be greatly appreciated as well as direct answers to our question on how to do it efficiently. I'm not sure about these ideas and thought that I might as it here. Today, he told me he wanted to create a simply 2D array map that contains data about every grid in the game and is a constant save-to-disk operation for data that we don't need. What I mean is, instead of just checking a rectangular area for data to load, we simply section the map into many tiny chunks that load and de-load data as we move from map-portion to map-portion. I played some Zelda from the SNES and saw that, during the shift of a map, the content could be loaded just then. First we had four large sections, but realized we could simply break it down into many tiny sections.

    video game map designer

    We figured this won't hold for long and decided to partition the map into sections. Our first impulse was to create a large map and a circle around the player in which content will be loaded.

    video game map designer

    We have been discussing methods of creating a large world-map that the player can traverse without straining the memory capabilities of our machine. It will be top-down in the style of pokemon or zelda (just the perspective). My friend and I have started creation of a 2D adventure game. I apologize for the subjective "best" keyword.

    Video game map designer